Saturday, December 31, 2011

My humble opinion

Nothing happens for a reason.
But everything that happens is a reason.
You have yourself, and you have your Tyler Dordin deep down. Your entire life is you subconsciously making the decision to be better than Tyler and be Ikea man. Every single thing you do is a choice and has different outcomes. In a different world I could be jumping off a cliff right now instead of typing this blog, but the decisions I've made have lead me to this exact moment.
I am not in this moment because in 2 hours writing this blog will change my life, but rather I am in this moment because I decided to be. The Tyler in me might be telling me to steal a bank right now, but I told myself to sit down and write this.
Everything we do is a choice. Rubbing your eye, smiling at someone, flipping someone off. These are all choices that we make. Sometimes they are because we know that they will be in our best self interest. No I dont want to do my homework but I know it will help me in a few months when I am looking to go to college. The choices we make all have benefits and drawbacks however.
If someone is being a real a$$ to you, you might decide to flip them off. That may seem like a good choice at the time, you feel great because you got that anger off your chest. But, maybe in a month or two you will see that person, and your action will become a reason for them to do what they do. The choices we make are not made because we evaluate every single benefit and drawback, they happen because it is what we want at the time.
The key to life is to find the perfect balance between hindsight, foresight and looking at whats right in front of you. Some of the choices you make can be based on past experiences and will turn out differently than they did the first time. Some, like homework, are made by thinking of your self in the future and looking out for that. However if you live too much in the past or future you will loose sight of what is right in front of you. Make choices because of today too.
So, I'm not sure how much sense this blog makes. But life is a series of choices, they cannot be justified all the time. Random things happen to us, we act upon them and our actions determine the path we take through life.
This is of course all hypothetical. I wish I was certain about anything.


I am scrolling down twitter and facebook and it is sad how many people are reliant on their friends. Even boys are posting shit about each other and saying that they are bad friends or whatever...
Life is yours.
You don't, I'll change that to shouldn't need ANYONE but yourself (and your family)
being in the shark tank or whatever is not going to make any difference in like 20 years.
A friend might be nice along the way but I dont think that people understand.
Being good at singing or having the coolest clothes is going to get you absolutely no where because we will all die equal.
It makes me sad that these people will never know or see that it doesn't matter what Lauren said to her about you or what he didn't do or say. In fact it is so insignificant that when you focus on such little details, you lose the big picture. You know what happens when you lose the big picture?
You live life with your head up your butt.
Just realize that this is yours and no one elses. Nothing anyone does or says can change you and dont let it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Things are finally going well. 
I have my first boyfriend, and its exactly like I hoped it would be. Except better.
Also I am finally starting to be more mature and grow up.
College is scaring me but it will be fine. 
I wish I could get myself to write more on these but its summer and I dont want to!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


YAY!!!!!!!! i finally can relax for the first time since september. I cant wait to be care free this summer. I just have to pass my road test, and look for colleges but i can take my time and feel good. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Saturday, June 18, 2011


summer is so soon, its making me so happy. I think the reason why I love it so much is because all year round I have to stress out about school work or trying to keep up with my friends or swimming and grades, but in the summer everything is easy. I go to a pool everyday, don't have to worry about friends because we are all friends there.  Or just lay in the grass and read my book. Its no pressure, there's nothing hanging over my head ever or anything. Its just letting the sun beat on your back and trying to get back into shape for varsity. I wonder if i would like summer so much if i wasn't so stressed about school all the time. or if school didn't even exist. I bet it wouldn't feel as good to sit by a pool and relax because I see summer as almost a reward for all my hard work over the year. its my time to sit back and take a few minutes to breathe and be with myself. Last summer people were a ton of crap but I already decided this year, not going to let that happen. Detach yourself, be free.